Testimonies 观众留言

"This past Sunday, I was invited by my friend to attend the DC Beauty of Beijing Opera's production of the classic "Legend of the White Snake." It was my first experience with Beijing Opera, with no previous knowledge of the art form, language, or culture. I was dazzled by the costumes and impressed by the musicians who played continuously for the 3-hour performance. The percussionists played at incredible speeds and I noticed a cloud of dust rise up from one of the stringed instruments, it was played so vigorously! The Beijing Opera singing style was new to me and, after some time, I found myself in a bit of a trance and fully absorbed in the story. Although much could be grasped by the stylized movements and emotive facial expressions, the subtitles helped me follow the cursed loved story of the White Snake and Xu Xian, including some very funny moments. As a dancer, my favorite scenes were those with the warriors and the Water Battle, which showcased the actors' elegance, virtuosity, and clarity of movement. Besides the production itself, I felt a real sense of community in the audience and felt welcomed there. It was a pleasure to catch a glimpse into this important historical and cultural Chinese art form here in Maryland.”
--From an audience member from an International Finance Institution

"This is the most popular Beijing Opera performance in the local area in my memory. The theater was almost fully occupied, and to my surprise, even the temporary seats in the balcony were put into use at the last minute. I noticed that some people walked in for tickets at the doorstep. "

--From a 30-year resident of Mongtgomery County, Maryland, after the Beijing Opera Gala 2019

"We look forward to working with organizations such as yours to bring awareness, education, exposure and entertainment to the senior population who are eager to learn and be part of such events as the Beijing Opera."

--From Holidy Park Senior Center, Silver Spring, MD

"We both really enjoy all the performances. It was Michelle’s first time to watch a live Beijing opera. She stayed 2 hours without any complaint, and likes the last one, Jade Bracelet, the best! It was definitely a great experience for her! I like your beginning presentation and all the subtitles translation. It’s very well prepared and authentic! I especially like you compare Beijing opera to western literature, orchestra or Italian opera. The example from “The sound of music” is so vivid and catchy! Thanks so much for putting so much effort on spreading out Chinese performing arts! We do need talents like you to fill the gap of Chinese culture and western culture. I hope my daughter could play such a role in her life in future. We expect to see more of great performances like this in future! Thanks again!"

--From a resident of Fairfax County, VA


昨晚“跨越大洋中美京剧名家云中京剧盛会”的确是一场别开生面的演出活动,特殊性表现在各个方面。 1) 观众氛围:因为网络,尽管各地时差不同,可空间遍布全球。不管是戏迷票友,专业人士,还是从未接触京剧的,近千之众,在云端欢聚一堂。很多朋友多年都见不了一面,此刻由于京剧这根纽带,出乎意料地在网上相见了。虽然疫情拉开了人们的社交距离,却缩短了我们大家心向京剧的距离,真是个有深远意义的夜晚。 2) 艺术表演:演出表演者除少数点缀人员,绝大部分都是当今有名的艺术家,研究家,年龄跨度十几岁至八十多岁,各位表演者以自己特有的方式,为观众展现了一台非常有特色的京剧,观众平时见到的是台上的演员,此刻更能了解他们台下的真面目,他们的真实想法和对京剧的酷爱,真正的虚拟零距离接触。 3)组织筹划:这次节目前后一个多月的准备工作非常繁琐,从构思,邀角,到网络测试,除了少量义工外,基本由京花成员负责。为了演出的保质保量,她们几乎每星期要花上好几小时的调试,好几小时的编排,好几小时的互动,好几小时的讨论。由于分工明确,效率甚高,如此大制作,关键岗位如:中英文主持,网络技术管理,节目编排,中英文字幕制作翻译,观众互动等等都由五位京花成员负责,加上义工们的全力相助。可见京花各个都是高智商与高能耐,她们为华府地区的京剧转播开启了征程。 京剧的盛会深深吸引着不同年龄的观众,只要你喜欢,你投入,你就会忘了年龄!




