Synopsis 剧目简介

白蛇传 Legend of the White Snake

Legend of The White Snake has been constantly presented on stage for 70 years and is one of the most popular Beijing Opera classics.  Adapted from Chinese folklore, it is about Lady White, a snake immortal, who descended to the secular world as a beautiful girl.   She fell in love with a human being Xu Xian at first sight, and helped him become an accomplished pharmacist. A self-righteous monk Fa Hai deemed Lady White a demon and used all his might to separate the couple。


Would the family survive eventually?  Come with your family and friends to the theater and find out through the fascinating singing, recitation, dancing, and combat accompanied by live music.


闹天宫 The Monkey King

孙悟空是中国著名的神话人物之一,出自四大名著之《西游记》。祖籍东胜神州,由开天辟地以来的仙石孕育而生,因带领群猴进入水帘洞而成为众猴之王,尊为 “美猴王”。后经千山万水拜须菩提祖师为师学艺,得名孙悟空,学会地煞数七十二变、筋斗云、长生不老等高超的法术。孙悟空生性聪明、活泼、忠诚、嫉恶如仇,在民间文化中代表了机智、勇敢。他闹龙宫、闹天宫、打败十万天兵天将、保护唐僧西天取经,一路降妖除魔,不畏艰难困苦,历经九九八十一难,最后取得真经修成正果,被封为斗战胜佛。

The Monkey King is perhaps the only animal that appears on the Beijing Opera stage as a lead character. The origins of the monkey king are obscure but the figure gained widespread recognition in the character of Sun Wukong in the epic Chinese novel, Journey to the West (1590s). The monkey king possesses supernatural powers and a great sense of humor. While the Beijing Opera version of the monkey king is not what any Westerner would think of as opera, it is a highly stylized form, lacking scenery and with combat scenes that are closer to dance than to stunt work. The level of acrobatic skill is incredibly high and the action is full of physical comedy. In this act “Disturbing the Celestial Palace”, the plot itself is simple: the Monkey King disturbs a banquet in the celestial palace because he was annoyed being looked down upon by the supreme emperor.

西厢记 Romance of the West Chamber

This is one of the most famous Chinese dramatic works. Known as "China's most popular love comedy," the theme of the drama is an attack on traditional mores, supporting the longing of young people in the old days for freedom of marriage, although it follows the timeworn pattern of a gifted scholar and a beautiful lady falling in love at first sight. This aria was sung by Yingying who appreciated Zhang Sheng’s heart after listening to his music performance, and was determined to hold on to their love even though the mother tried to separate the couple.
