DCBBO Exhibits for International Night at a middle school 京剧走入美国中学
Secretary Anthony Foxx, U.S. Department of Transportation andDCBBO Performers 美国交通部长与京剧之花
Boys and girls of an elementary school eager to try on the Helmet of Best Scholar in Beijing Opera 京剧走入美国小学
CSM Matthew McCoy, U.S. ARMY Communications-eletronics Command and DCBBO Performers 美国陆军总军士长与京剧之花
US Army Solider attracted by elegant lady robe in Beijing Opera 京剧走入美国陆军基地
CFO David Burr, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Food and Nutrition Services and DCBBO Speaker and Performers 美国农业部高级官员与京剧之花
USDA audience learning how to cry with water sleeves after the workshop 京剧走入美国农业部
High School students learning Beijing Opera martial arts display skills 京剧走入美国高中
Beijing Opera lecture for Seniors 京剧走入美国养老院
Maryland First Lady and DCBBO Performers 马里兰州第一夫人与京剧之花
Beijing Opera Makeup Demo at Kennedy Center 京剧走入肯尼迪艺术中心
Faculty of GMU School of Theatre and Confucius Institute posed with DCBBO Guest speaker and performers. 京剧走入美国大学和孔子学院
Beijing Opera workshop for US Chinese Schools 京剧走入美国中文学校
Beijing Opera Online Workshops 京剧之花网上公益讲坛
Bridge the Pacific Ocean with Beijing Opera 跨越大洋云中京剧盛会