About DCBBO 京剧之花简介
华府“京剧之花”成员 DCBBO Members

华府“京剧之花”成员 DCBBO Members





DC Beauty of Beijing Opera Ltd (DCBBO)

is a non-profit organization with 501 (c) (3) status approved by IRS. Her mission is to promote cultural diversity and enhance the public awareness of the philosophy of harmonious society in the US East, in particular the Metropolitan Washington DC area through educational oriented performances and workshops about Beijing Opera.

DCBBO is supported in part by funding from Montgomery County Government and Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC), and Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC.org). Also referred to as" DC Beijing Opera Flowers" in the past, DCBBO was founded by 5 female professionals in international financial institution, IT industry as well as elementary and high schools, who have had over 20 years of Beijing Opera performance experiences through part-time engagement.

DCBBO is proud of her contribution to entertaining the audience as well as raising public awareness and appreciation of Beijing Opera, which is deeply rooted in the 5,000 years of Chinese culture and acts as an active vehicle of promoting the philosophy of harmonious society in many aspects. Her performance footprint was found in numerous cultural events in US East.

The most recent presentations include the Legend of the White Snake (Full Play) at Winston Churchill High School Auditorium, Maryland; Beijing Opera Gala 2022 at Gaithersburg High School, Maryland; Beijing Makeup Demo at the JF Kennedy Center of Performing Arts; Beijing Opera Costume Exhibit Tours at Chinese American Museaum DC; Beijing Opera Training Classes at Confucius Institute US Center; Beijing Opera workshops at Mcdonogh School and Norwood School; Lunar New Year Celebration hosted by City of Rockville, Maryland; Asian-Pacific Americans Heritage Month Celebration hosted by US Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation, and Maryland Governor's Office.

We have conducted nearly 200 bilingual cultural events for the general public since establishment. These events had wide media coverage and were highly remarked by the public.

Maryland Governor's Citation 马里兰州州长颁发给京剧之花的嘉奖令

Maryland Governor's Citation 马里兰州州长颁发给京剧之花的嘉奖令

华府“京剧之花”是美国政府注册的非牟利文化传播机构,具有501(c)(3)免税资格。自2013年成立以来,华府”京剧之花“频繁走入美国联邦政府机构、大学校园、公立私立学校课堂、老年活动中心、美国陆军基地和军事院校等场所,已经举办中英双语讲座式演出近两百场,为十多万名美国主流社会观众打开了欣赏国粹京剧的大门,其致力于传扬京剧艺术的敬业和奉献精神,深受海内外京剧专业人士的赞誉,亦得到来自马里兰州长办公室、马里兰州艺术委员会、马里兰州蒙郡艺术委员会、美国农业部、美国交通部和中国驻美国大使馆的明令嘉奖和多次肯定。 “京剧之花”曾受邀协助京剧大师梅葆玖先生率队的梅兰芳“双甲子之约”美国巡演团队在华盛顿肯尼迪艺术中心的演出,也曾回到中国大陆,在上海天蟾大舞台与上海京剧院的名家一起合作演出折子戏专场,《人民日报》《中国日报》《乐视传媒》《新民晚报》等均有详细报道。


His Excellency Chinese Embassador Cui Tiankaui in the USA and DCBBO Members and Volunteers  中国驻美大使崔天凯与京剧之花成员和义工

His Excellency Chinese Embassador Cui Tiankaui in the USA and DCBBO Members and Volunteers 中国驻美大使崔天凯与京剧之花成员和义工


Thank You to DCBBO Volunteers

谢敦贤 庄启东 唐健青 杨卓 张耀骧 穆建西 刘其伍 蔡立明 田青 高世文 郭雪梅 王跃樊 田建英 苏燕 于桐 张瑞华 张瑞琪 谢承启 杨华 黄亮 张永斌 赵一横 田桂华 黄聃 张耀龙 吴佳霖 张又懿 叶鼎